巴黎館 / 一花一世界─陳玉庭書畫 ‧ 歐洲巡迴展

20190226 CC 06開幕:2019/4/28 (日)
時間:10:00-17:00 免費參觀 (週一休館)
地址:3 allee Madame de Montespan, 77600 Bussy Saint Georges, France

♦展覽介紹 Introduction of Exhibition


The European Tour solo exhibition “To see a heaven in a wild flower " will showcase her collections of more than 160 art works by contemporary ink and creative calligraphy. Her traditional art integrates into the freehand brushwork that covers the entire art pieces. She would always like to combine her imagination with reality and casts perspectives into the art pieces that emerge into creative master pieces likened to " The Art of Landscapes, Dance between The flowers and Literature ".




Organiser:Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture & Education、Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery headquarters、Fo Guang Shan Internationale Progressive Buddhistische (IBPS)Gesellschaft、Fo Guang Shan France、International Buddhist Progress Society Spain、International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) Holland、I.B.P.S. UK (London Fo Guang Shan Temple)、International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) SwitzerlandGeneve Centre de Conference Bouddhiste (GCCB)、Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel,Frankfurt e.V.

Management Department:Fo Guang Shan Internationale Progressive Buddhistische (IBPS)Gesellschaft、Fo Guang Yuan Paris Art Gallery、International Buddhist Progress Society Spain、International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) Holland、I.B.P.S. UK (London Fo Guang Shan Temple)、International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) SwitzerlandGeneve Centre de Conference Bouddhiste (GCCB)、Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel,Frankfurt e.V.