一花一世界─陳玉庭書畫 ‧ 歐洲巡迴展

To see a world through a flower - Christina Chen Yu Ting European Solo Art Exhibition

20190226 CC 01一、展覽介紹 Introduction of Exhibition


The European Tour solo exhibition “To see a heaven in a wild flower " will showcase her collections of more than 160 art works by contemporary ink and creative calligraphy. Her traditional art integrates into the freehand brushwork that covers the entire art pieces. She would always like to combine her imagination with reality and casts perspectives into the art pieces that emerge into creative master pieces likened to " The Art of Landscapes, Dance between The flowers and Literature ".

二、藝術家介紹 About Artist

20190226 CC 02陳玉庭,字瑞芬出生於台灣屏東,旅居新加坡30多年。學生時期喜歡繪畫藝術,從素描的基本乃至水彩展開手上大自然的歳月記載。然而年幼時縱使有再多的藝術天份,因生活條件未盡充裕而無法繼續未完成的夢!事隔多年,鄉間的小女孩歷經滄桑,人生也更豐富了,不覺中再次重拾麈封多年的畫筆。

Christina Chen Yu Ting was born in Pingtung - Taiwan. Christina started dabbling in water colors and Chinese brush paintings when she was in school in Taiwan. She moved to Singapore more than three decades ago and had attended classes at NAFA Academy of Fine Art as well as took lessons from the renowned artist/teacher Mr. Tan Khim Ser who is also the President of Singapore's Life Art Society. In 2017, she started her engraving lessons under the guidance of the Master Shi De whilst she was having her art exhibition in Singapore. After she left Singapore, she continues to have these lessons under another teacher Mr. Wu Sheng Ping who was from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. The natural flair that is ingrained in her soon helped her to blossom into a full-fledged artist.

世界華人文化交流會 (世華文化會)董事會主席的委任董事和審計委員

★Current Positions
The President of the HK-Macau-TW Art Union in Singapore
Singapore Life Art Society Honorary President
Singapore Federation of Art Societies honorary director
Asia-Pacific Elite Entrepreneurs Association Contemporary Art’s advisor
International Chinese Culture Exchange Federation (ICCEF) Alternate director of Audit Committee Chair of the board & member of Audit committee

三、展出經歷 Exhibitions

20190226 CC 062007  第1個畫展於新加坡島嶼鄉村俱樂部。
2008  診所及外科開幕暨陳玉庭畫展。
2009  與裕廊高爾夫球場聯辦第一屆陳玉庭慈善畫展
2011  與台灣精彩一百聯辦陳玉庭慈善畫展
2014  個人畫展於新加坡ION藝術畫廊。
2014  應邀至中國廣西南寧2014“多彩青秀”。中國•東盟當代水墨交流展暨當代水墨藝術新動態及展望高峰論壇,於南寧國際會展中心隆重舉行。
2015  同德書報社105週年紀念 “陳玉庭女士及黃漢欽先生書畫聯展”。
2016  受邀於新加坡濱海灣金沙酒店舉行現代彩墨個展”金山玉庭書畫綻-藝術的饗宴”,及其新加坡文華酒店米其林星級Beni 法國餐廳長期展覽其油畫作品。
2018  佛光緣美術館屏東館恭祝佛誕 陳玉庭書畫特展”花果圓滿佛誕特展;陳玉庭暨「港澳臺新」理事2018年9月於新加坡華中文化展覽廳書畫展。

2007  1st Solo Art Exhibition at Singapore Island County Club.
2008  The Rafflesian Clinic & Surgery Opening-cum-Chrisina Chen Art Exhibition.
2009  1st Christina Chen & Jurong Country Club Charity Art Exhibition.
2011  Christina Chen Charity Art Exhibition at LNGCC. (Laguna National Golf Country Club)
2014  Solo Art Exhibition at Singapore ION Art Gallery.
2014  Christina Chen is invited to showcase her works as well as a live demonstration of her artistic talents at the prestigious China Nanning Guangxi Art Exhibition, title "Colorful Qing Xiu 2014".
2015  Ms. Christina Chen & Mr. Ng Han Kim Art Exhibition 2015 organised by The United Chinese Library 105 Anniversary Art Exhibition.
2016  Christina's Chinese brush painting and calligraphy have been displayed at the Jin Shan Lo.
2018  "The Fragrance of the Heart" Fo Guang Yuan Pingtung Art Gallery Christina Chen Art Exhibition.
2018  Christina Chen Art Exhibition in conjunction with The HK-Macau-Taiwan Singapore Art Union Art Exhibition at Singapore Hwa Chong Exhibition Hall.


20190226 CC 07●奧地利維也納佛光山
開幕:2019/4/21 (日)
時間:10:00-17:00 免費參觀 (週一休館)
地址:Sechshauser Strasse 50, 1150 Vienna, Austria

Fo Guang Yuan Paris Art Gallery
開幕:2019/4/28 (日)
時間:10:00-17:00 免費參觀 (週一休館)
地址:3 allee Madame de Montespan, 77600 Bussy Saint Georges, France

20190226 CC 04●西班牙佛光山
開幕:2019/5/4 (六)
時間:11:00-17:00 免費參觀 (週一休館)
地址:C/Juan de Austria No 30 28010 Madrid, Spain

開幕:2019/5/5 (日)
時間:12:00-17:00 免費參觀 (週一休館)
地址:Zeedijk 106-118 1012 BB Amsterdam Nedherlands

開幕:2019/5/12 (日)
時間:09:00-17:00 免費參觀 (週五休館)
地址:84 Margaret Street, London W1W 8TD, United Kingdom

開幕:2019/5/19 (日)
時間:10:00-17:00 免費參觀 (週一休館)
地址:20 bis, Chemin du Terroux, 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland

時間:10:00-18:00 免費參觀 (週二休館)
地址:Hanauer Landstr. 11-13, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

20190226 CC 08主辦單位:財團法人佛光山文教基金會、佛光緣美術館總部、奧地利維也納佛光山、佛光山法華禪寺、西班牙佛光山、荷蘭荷華寺、英國倫敦佛光山、瑞士日內瓦會議中心、德國法蘭克福佛光山


Organiser:Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture & Education、Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery headquarters、Fo Guang Shan Internationale Progressive Buddhistische (IBPS)Gesellschaft、Fo Guang Shan France、International Buddhist Progress Society Spain、International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) Holland、I.B.P.S. UK (London Fo Guang Shan Temple)、International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) SwitzerlandGeneve Centre de Conference Bouddhiste (GCCB)、Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel,Frankfurt e.V.

Management Department:Fo Guang Shan Internationale Progressive Buddhistische (IBPS)Gesellschaft、Fo Guang Yuan Paris Art Gallery、International Buddhist Progress Society Spain、International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) Holland、I.B.P.S. UK (London Fo Guang Shan Temple)、International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) SwitzerlandGeneve Centre de Conference Bouddhiste (GCCB)、Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel,Frankfurt e.V.