
2023年國際博物館日主題為「博物館、永續性與健康福祉」(Museums, Sustainability and Wellbeing)

【博物之島新訊】2023年國際博物館日—博物館、永續性與健康福祉 – 中華民國博物館學會 (cam.org.tw)



博物館是促進身心健康和社區持續發展的關鍵角色!可以通過研究、教育、展覽、社區參與等多種方式,進行實踐。如:支持氣候變遷的社會運動、培育社群的包容性,到消除社會孤立(social isolation)、改善心理健康等,期待能共同創造永續性的未來。
自2020年起,博物館便是聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)的策略夥伴。在2023年度,博物館日重點關注以下三個SDGs目標:
(一)全球的健康與福祉(Global Health and Wellbeing):
(二)氣候行動(Climate Action):
(三)陸域生態(Life on Land):
保護、恢復和促進陸地生態系統的永續利用(sustainable use),擴大少數族群領導人的影響力,並提高「喪失生物多樣性之嚴重性」的警覺心。


International Museum Day 2023 to focus on sustainability and well-being
International Museum Day 2023 to focus on sustainability and well-being -International Council of Museums (icom.museum)


The theme for the 2023 International Museum Day edition (May 18) is Museums, Sustainability and Well-being.
Museums are key contributors to the well-being and to the sustainable development of our communities. As trusted institutions and important threads in our shared social fabric, they are uniquely placed to create a cascading effect to foster positive change. There are many ways in which museums can contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: from supporting climate action and fostering inclusivity, to tackling social isolation and improving mental health.

As highlighted in the ICOM Resolution “On sustainability and the implementation of Agenda 2030, Transforming our World” (Kyoto, 2019), all museums have a role to play in shaping and creating sustainable futures, and they can do this through educational programmes, exhibitions, community outreach and research.
Each year since 2020, the International Museum Day supports a set of Goals from the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In 2023, we will focus on:
。Goal 3 Global Health and Well-being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, in particular concerning mental health and social isolation.
。Goal 13 Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, adopting low-carbon practices in the Global North and mitigation strategies in the Global South.
。Goal 15 Life on Land: Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, amplifying the voices of indigenous leaders and raising awareness on the loss of biodiversity.
On May 18th, we encourage all members of the civil society to come together and realise the full transformative potential that museums have for sustainable development and wellbeing!

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