總館 / 以此筆墨法供養─許悔之手墨展

20190324mian01開幕茶會:2019/3/23 (日) 下午2:00
時間:9:00-17:00 (全年無休 ‧ 免費參觀)

藝術講座:2019/4/19 (五) 19:00-21:00



20190221 main 02【館方序】Foreword

序 許悔之手墨展

資深出版人許悔之在佛光山佛光緣美術館總館舉辦「以此筆墨法供養—許悔之手墨展」對南臺灣許多喜愛他的觀眾,是令人欣喜的好消息!在佛光山展出,因緣來自有鹿文化為 星雲大師編輯出版《人海慈航—怎樣知道有觀世音菩薩》、《般若心經的生活觀》、《成就的秘訣:金剛經》等書,是文字因緣,也是一段法緣。




20190221 main 03Mr. Hsu Hui-chih, Senior publisher, will be holding "The Dharma Offering of Ink: Solo exhibition by Hsu Hui-chih" at Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery. For many readers in Southern Taiwan who loved Mr. Hsu’s works, this is a heartwarming news. Mr. Hsu’s exhibition at Fo Guang Shan originated from the edited and published books of Venerable Master Hsing Yun such as, A Compassionate Ferry: Knowing the Existence of Guanyin Bodhisattva, The Heart Sutra, and The Diamond Sutra by Route Culture. The exhibition is both of written words and of Dharma affinity.

Many people are surprised by how Hsu Hui-chih can still find time to write calligraphy after work. When he started to organize exhibitions, his work was widely loved the moment he launched them. His neat and elegant works are of written poetries as well as calligraphy. As such, if you look at the exhibition of Hsu Hui-chih from the perspective of traditional calligraphy, it may be considered to be too narrow-minded.

Every piece of his work seems to be a performing stage the author has set up for his favorite words. His characters move lightly and dance on the stage he has set up. Hence, the text begins to have different dresses, pictures, colors, and spaces; all of which are demonstrations of the author’s decades of accumulated love and passion for words.

This exhibition is composed of seventy works by Hsu Hui-chih, including his favorite Buddhist verses and his feelings of several encounters with Dharma in his life. The Artist makes this offering to the public and welcomes all to visit and be filled with joys of the Dharma.

