全球第21分館.Branch 21
1) LRT的VitoCruz下站,在Taft Ave/R-2向東南方向走,轉右邊進入Ocampo St.,大約十分鐘,抵達佛光山萬年寺。
時間(Opening hours):10:00-17:00 免費參觀 (週一休館)
地址(Address):656 Ocampo St, Malate, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippine.
電話(Telephone):+63-2-559-9540 / 523-4909
(1) Visitors are asked to dress appropriately (slippers are not permitted) when entering the Gallery.
(2) To maintain a quiet and pleasant environment, visitors are asked not to speak loudly or play inside the Gallery. Please use mobile phones outside of exhibition halls.
(3) Any forms of photography or video recording, including camera features on mobile phones, are strictly prohibited inside the exhibition halls.
(4) For safety reasons, please do not touch display glasses or climb on exhibits.
(5) Pets (with the exception of guide dogs), oversized items, or toys are not permitted inside the exhibition halls.
(6) Dangerous or contraband items, food (including beverages, chewing gum, and betel nut), any form of liquids, bottles, or cans are strictly prohibited inside the exhibition halls.
(7) Group touring service is available. Requests for booking should be made two weeks in advance before arrival. For more information, please visit Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery Website.
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