佛光緣美術館典藏作品集 (二十二)《生命之歌─Keith Morant專輯》


佛光緣美術館總館長︱如常法師佛光緣美術館典藏作品集 (二十二)《生命之歌─Keith Morant專輯》

佛光緣美術館成立至今即將邁入30年,從一個館到目前(2022年)全球共有27個分館遍及五大洲。因為寺廟裡有美術館,佛光山跟非常多的的藝術家成為好朋友,旅居紐西蘭的Keith Morant便是其中一位,不僅跟紐西蘭佛光山法師們學習更多佛教義理,甚至將105件的重要創作捐給佛光山,透過當地住持滿信法師促成了這本典藏作品集《生命之歌─Keith Morant專輯》的出版因緣。
60多年的創作生涯,讓Keith Morant對藝術創作有獨特的看法,他認為,當人類從物質層次提升到精神層次時,藝術必然成為滋養的一部分,但關鍵在於創作者本身對宇宙生命正確的認識與體證。藝術家很慶幸在自己面臨創作瓶頸時,認識了佛教,透過學佛與禪修,而深刻體證到人身乃五蘊和合,體證到佛法所稱「無我」的真諦。因為遇見了佛法,讓他的創作超越且更勝於以往。
只要你有因緣觀賞到Keith Morant的作品,都會被作品中所散發出來的喜悅、熱情與靈動所吸引。藉由佛法的引領,以及他對聲音的敏銳度,察覺萬事萬物皆有音符,因此如音符般的符碼,躍然於每件作品上,無論悲傷或快樂,都充滿了律動感,而每件作品,就如同一首歌,一首又一首的生命之歌!
家師 星雲大師曾說:「音樂可以表達人類心靈的情感。一首神聖的樂曲,或虔誠的佛讚,往往把人的心靈昇華到聖潔的境界」,1953年大師更以音樂歌聲弘法,透過歌頌讓信仰昇華。大師創辦美術館,因為「美學無界」,大師以音樂、藝術打破語言、種族、國土的藩籬;因為有人間佛教,讓世間變得更美好!
在這本畫冊出版前夕,病中的Keith Morant在家人親友的祝福中安詳往生,圓滿他這一期的生命。疫情後,這些作品即將開始在幾個國家巡迴展出,我們也以此紀念並獻上


Praise for the Song of Life
Chief Curator, Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery︱ Ven. Ru Chang

Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery is about to enter 30 years since its establishment. From the first gallery to the present (year 2022), there are now 27 branch galleries in the world covering five continents. Because there is an art gallery in the temple, Fo Guang Shan has become good friends with many artists. Keith Morant, who currently lives in New Zealand, is one of them. Not only has he learned Buddhist principles from the venerables of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple New Zealand, he has also donated 105 of his creative artworks to Fo Guang Shan. Through the assistance of FGS Temple New Zealand’s abbot, Venerable Man Shin, the publication of the collection, "The Song of Life - Keith Morant Album," was created.

With more than 60 years of career in the art of creating, Keith Morant possessed a unique view on art creation. He believes that when human beings are elevated from the material level to the spiritual level, art will inevitably become a part of the nourishment, but the key lies in the creator's proper understanding and physical experience of living in this universe. He felt very fortunate to have taken on the learning of Buddhism when he was faced with the obstacle to his creation. Through studying Buddhism and meditation, he was able to deeply experience the five aggregates of the human body, and the true meaning of "selflessness" in Buddhism. Because of his encounter with the Dharma, his creative works have transcended his past and are now better than ever.

As long as you have seen Keith Morant's works, you will be attracted by the joy, enthusiasm and agility emanating from his works. With the guidance of the Dharma and his sensitivity to sound, he realized that everything has a note to it. So, the note-like codes spring up in every piece of his work. Whether sorrow or joy, all is filled with a rhythm. Every piece of his work is like a song, one after another just like the melodies of life!

Venerable Master Hsing Yun once said, "Music can express the emotions of the human mind. A sacred song, or a devout Buddhist hymn, often elevates the human mind to a holy realm." In 1953, the Venerable Master even preached the Dharma through music, sublimating his faith through singing. Venerable Master founded the art gallery because of "Boundless Aesthetics", and by propagating Buddhism through music and art, he demolished the barriers of language, race, and country. The world has become a better place because of Humanistic Buddhism!

Before the publication of this album, Keith Morant passed away peacefully with the blessings of his family and friends, successfully completing this cycle of his life. After the epidemic, these works will be exhibited in several countries in commemoration of him as we offer our blessings.